Instituto Conexiones Launches Workshops on Integrated Philanthropy in San Francisco, California

Instituto Conexiones & Applied Research Center is proud to announce that the Integrated Philanthropy workshops that did so well in Costa Rica are now being offered in the San Francisco Bay Area!

Are you committed to social justice and sustainability?

Integrate your values of social justice, conservation and economic sustainability into your philanthropic efforts, whatever the cause may be.
Join us for a 90 minute seminar to find out how to recognize organizations that have a whole systems approach to their initiatives and make sure your donation of time or money resonates completely with your holistic values.

Integrated Philanthropy is knowing where & how our energy is best used so as not to unintentionally cause other social, ecological or economic problems in our efforts to make the world a better place. We show how to evaluate overall impact in order to exponentially increase the potential of your initiatives & reduce the risk of "collateral" damage. We look closely at the social, ecological & economic sustainability of any well-meaning initiative or intervention & help modify your approach, as needed.

The Integrated Philanthropy Workshop will teach you how to think in an integrated way and thus, help mold solutions for the ecological and social issues you care about in a way that increases positive results and avoids inadvertently causing other problems in your efforts to do good. For example, some conservation organizations unwittingly displace indigenous communities, causing irreversible “collateral” cultural and social damage in their efforts to ‘save the rainforest.’

As an integrated philanthropist, you can help well-meaning causes adopt a more integrated approach to serving humanity and the planet, empowering your cause & increasing their potential.

Integrated Philanthropy will teach you how to ask the right questions and evaluate the non-profit cause you work for or are looking to donate time and/or money to and more importantly, learn how to help those you are committed to adopt this integrated philanthropy framework.

Start practicing Integrated Philanthropy today

and see your impact increase ten-fold!

To register, please e-mail or call 415.359.4759